Exhibit A:

One of my best 'tricks' to getting UFO's done is to set myself up with a decent movie and stitch away. Not an action-thriller-gotta-pay-attention kind of movie. Something that I can look up and read the subtitles, and if I miss a couple sentences, I can still follow the movie.
Last night's selection was "Must Love Dogs". Not bad. Did anyone else notice that he usually plays the same role in most of his movies "Nice Guy With Broken Heart Who Gets the Girl In the End." Not that I would kick him out of bed for eatin' crackers, mind you.
And you've gotta love THIS, right?
But I digress (Quelle surprise, eh?). I'm just waiting for the washer to finish, so I can toss these lovelies in, and get them one step closer to getting out of here and to someone who needs 'em.