Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to Rile Up the Neigbors AND the Dog

Although I've been here more than 10 years, it seems I can still freak the neighbors out.

I wanted to work on another part of the fleeces I'm 'processing'.
(Yes, at this rate, both the sheep and I will be dead before I'm done!)

The shearer was supposed to 'remove the tag wool'.
This is secret code for:
"Know that nasty wool by the sheep's bum? Yeah, throw that AWAY, and not in with the rest."

Dude don't know the code. :(

I took the fleeces and arranged them artfully on the front lawn, hoping that this might dislodge some of the 'barnyard wind chimes'.

I was hoping for a win-win where the yard got fertilized, the fleece got cleaner, and all of this happened without a lot of manure handling on my part.

Um... not happening.

What DID happen, is that every car that came by had to slow down and look. And stare. And stare some more.

Neighbors hollered across the street:
"What the hell are you up to NOW?" and
"Is that something DEAD over there?"

Um, no. It's not dead. Although I must admit that the scent is a bit, um "captivating". Captivating enough to lure the most mild-mannered canine into conducting his own investigation.

Does the yarn running through his teeth count as 'pre-carding'?

Dogs EAT Yarn

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