Saturday, March 22, 2008

Miscellaneous Projects in the Works

Just when I thought that ALL of the fabric had been assigned to a task.... another bag shows up in the garage.

I'm seriously starting to think that there's a Magic Something-Or-Other in there that spontaneously GROWS fabric.

There were actually a few things in there that I've been looking for.

Like THIS:
Test Quilt Square

I bought some pre-cut squares on ebay, and this was a 'test square' I whipped up very late one night.

All right, quit staring at the seams and trying to 'mind meld' them into being straight! Ain't happenin'. I already tried.

I know, somewhere, a quilting perfectionist is reaching for her smelling salts. I SAID it was a Test Square, didn't I?

The remainder of the squares from this group has been pieced very nicely. (Mom even admired my seams, so you know they have to be good.)

Now that I have them together (photos later) I'd like to make the quilt a little bigger.

I e-mailed the seller, and although she didn't have this exact colorway at the moment, she was kind enough to list several similar ones. (If she gives permission, I'll post a link to her auctions here.)

It's really neat to get the pre-cut squares in the mail. You just open the package, whip 'em out onto the coffee table, and then zip 'em together with the serger. Much more fun than having to wash & cut them yourself.

The other project is to gather all my Knitting UFO's and put them in ONE basket. To be followed by finding a really good movie, and finishing them all.

There are ears to be sewn on Teddy Bear hats, sweaters to be blocked, and Endless Ends To Be Woven In. (Is that a Country Music Song?)

Which brings us to this little number:

?? The Mystery Sockie ??

Can anyone identify this little sockie? I think the pattern was something that many people were doing on AC4C.

When it's a sock, I always tend to think Beth is involved. (Beth's been known to make a nice sock or two.)

It was probably something along the lines of: "If you've never knit a sock before, try this, it's addictive!"

In any case, this little one is knit in the round, and was found without any needles or instructions. I think that might be called a 'Short Rows Heel'? It's about a 3-year-old size.

Any suggestions/ideas welcomed.

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