These work best if you start about a week BEFORE you want to present them. AND if you remember to get the supplies ahead of time.
The 'seedy things' are wheat berries.
- Right before the project, soak the 'berries' for 8-12 hours & keep them damp.
- Take a festive container, and line it with a Ziploc.
- Pour some potting mixture in and dampen it.
- Spread a thick layer of the damp wheat berries on top.
- Trim any excess Ziploc away.
- Cover with plastic wrap~ Yep, like a little greenhouse.
- Trim the excess, if any.
- Put it in a nice sunny window, and check it daily.
In a few days, you'll either have Mold-A-Rama
(Kids, Make Your Own Penicillin!)
a lovely green mess of sprouts. Take the plastic off.
(Some folks like to eat or make 'wheatgrass juice' from the sprouts.)
Once it gets started, the grass grows like wildfire. Kids like to 'cut the lawn' with scissors. They also like watering it. Remind them that it's only a Ziploc in there, not a Pool Liner!
Eventually, it starts to peter out, and you either have to transplant it into the yarn, or allow it to expire, and toss it in your composter.
This year, we decided to add a daffodil to each pot, since we started late, and wouldn't have any grass when they were delivered.
By the time the daffodil's done, the grass will be in full swing. The bulb can be saved and planted out in the yard to bloom next year.
Most of ours will be given to folks who celebrate Easter, so we popped in a little 'decorative pick'
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