Tuesday, March 25, 2008



I'm sure the rest of the Free World has seen these a thousand times already.

Yesterday's news, but the kiddos are just loving 'em:

And this little number, which one finds themself inexplicably singing in the shower:

On the whole, I'm not big into the whole "Do Things With Cats" Motif.

We HAVE a cat, but he's not into the whole "Do Things With Cats" Motif either.

A little yarn eating, sure. Maybe he'll let you take his picture when he's 75% asleep in a pile of Fun Fur novelty yarn. Beyond that, you're outta luck.

That said, I think these are pretty nifty. Someone has a little electrical firing in the brain, whips up a video, and thousands of people are watching it every day.

Ain't the "inner-nets" wunnerful?

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